Social Media for Business

Social media; it’s sloth of the Internet: something that’s not moving anywhere anytime soon. As a direct line to your customers, social media platforms can sky rocket your business at a low cost and with little risk.

It’s not surprising that companies have benefitted immensely from it. Just take Eddie, the work experience student, who put Southern Rail back into the nation’s heart after months of bad press through answering the public’s questions on Twitter.

Social Media for Business

So, how important really is social media marketing for your business? Is its sole purpose to create a nationwide buzz around your company, as Southern Rail did?

Not exactly. You can do even more:

You can turn a negative comment into a positive one

When someone experiences a problem with your company, the first port of call is often social media. Long complaint letters are a thing of the past. Social Media is for all to see and a bad review could have devastating effects.

But. As a business, you can easily use this as an advantage and rectify any bad press by responding immediately. Not only does this demonstrate your acknowledgment of the problem, but also it proves that you are concerned with, and value, the customer. This will reap rewards in the future, even if it doesn’t look as if it will at the time.

Competitor research

What are your competitors doing? Have they got a social media presence? Imagine you are a digital marketing company in Manchester; you have hundreds of similar companies in a 10-mile radius who constantly waging a war to be the best.

Through monitoring competitors’ social media marketing strategies, you can watch what works and what doesn’t, meaning that you can make sure yours is always one step ahead. The only way to rock your social media strategy is to stay ahead of the trend.

Develop a relationship with customers

If you’re an online business, direct interaction with your customers can be extremely rare. In fact, to you, they will probably just be a reference number or name on the screen.

Social media, however, allows you to break down some walls and interact directly and on a personal level. Through connecting with and developing a relationship with your customers you have the ability to gain their trust and see them coming back for more.

Help with recruitment

Social Media networks like LinkedIn are ideal for finding your newest recruit. Not only can you directly advertise jobs, but you can also entice people to work for you through sharing pictures of your latest events or team drinks and demonstrating what makes your office the place to be!

Social Media for Business

Show the face behind the brand

The clue is in the name. Social Media is, ultimately, social. Give your company a personality and introduce the face behind the brand to your customers for a more ‘human’ approach. Just because you’re offering Web development services doesn’t mean that people don’t want to know who you really are!

Better SEO rankings

SEO may now take into account your social media, so an active presence is thought to be important for Google. It’s also a good thing to note that if you Google your company, your social media profiles will probably make it to the first page of results. This means you need to make the most of them  – people will click on them to find out more about you!

Nothing to loose

One of the greatest things about social media is that you really have nothing to loose. As one of the cheapest forms of marketing and advertising, you don’t need to invest huge amounts to get results you want. The only thing you need for your social media to kick off is time, patience and a strategy to blow your customers away.


Do you need help with marketing your business on social media? SEO MCR offer a full range of SMM services so that you can make the most out of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more!




About the author

Simon is best know for Co-Founding, a portal for student accommodation which attracts over 2 million visitors a year. Simon has 17 years online digital marketing experience and has widespread knowledge of building and/or optimising websites in most industries.

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