Results Driven Manchester SEO Agency
Everyone wants to be on the first page, but not everyone deserves to be there. Your business, brand and website have to earn that right.

If you want to rank top for any keyword you need to provide high quality content that is valuable to visitors. At SEO Manchester we work with you to identify the top target keywords your customers are using to find your products/services, then put an SEO strategy in place to maximise your exposure to them.

We carefully write and manage Google adverts for you, then bid for them to appear at the top of Google, whilst tracking your clicks & conversions (enquiries/sales). Every day we check to see how your adverts are performing (which keywords are most profitable) then tweak & test new ad copy, making bid adjustments to optimise ROI.

We get to understand your business, your customers and your social influence, we then create meaningful content that gets liked, shared and commented upon. We will engage your business across numerous social media platforms, marketing your brand to a much wider social audience.